A baby is filled with possibilities for a bright future. An infant is born as a beautifully undefinable and significant individual with exceptional essence within their heart. Each newborn is also born with a very undeveloped brain that requires our support.

The brain is experience dependent, meaning development doesn’t just magically happen. A brain develops based on the combination of the genes a child is born with, influences during pregnancy and the experiences that a child has after birth. The early days, months and years are significant in rapidly connecting the estimated 86 billion brain cells a baby has at birth.

Experiences create a direct and physical impact on the way a brain becomes wired. The repetition of experiences strengthens these essential neural connections forming strong brain pathways for learning, behaviors, skill development, health and self-perception.

Even though it takes many years for the brain to fully mature, the earliest weeks and months are the time for the most rapid amount of growth and physical development. And resent research from Dr. Bruce Perry reveals that nurturing responsive relationships in the first two moths are especially influential toward a trajectory of well-being in life.

The brain adapts to the type of experiences that are repeated most frequently…. whether positive or negative. With connections between brains cells, being made at the astonishing rate of 1 million per second the type of experiences matters greatly. 



Humans are biologically designed for relationships. Babies are born with a primary need to have someone to care for them. A newborn is completely dependent on at least one relationship with another person. Through the ideal situation of having someone lovingly and consistently respond to expressed needs in a nurturing way, brain pathways for optimal development are being created.

If an infant’s needs for touch, nutrition, warmth, closeness and security are responded to repeatedly, timely and predictably in a caring way, this will create the feelings of connection, safety and trust that the rapidly developing immature brain requires.

This is the essential beginning of a more nurturing world ... and we ALL ultimately benefit from the support of early relational health of all babies. 

Early experiences contribute greatly to a well-developed brain that leads to physical and mental health, to allow the unique essence of a child’s heart to shine



You are significant in supporting this desired difference occur!

It doesn’t matter if you influence the Neuro-Nurturing of one child or numerous children. You are having an impact. 

We all benefit when the heart of every child shines!

Learn more about The First 60 Days here


Know More About The First 60 Days Booklet Here




